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Open Head Injury Attorneys

Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP has been successfully representing seriously injured victims of personal injury, medical malpractice, and brain injury accidents for decades. Our experienced Ohio brain injury lawyers have legal expertise and medical knowledge in the area of brain injuries, including traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, and anoxic brain injury. We understand the many important functions that the brain performs, and we have seen the devastating effects of brain injury. Our Ohio brain damage lawyers feel that any negligent person who causes brain injury or brain damage should be held responsible for their actions. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, contact a traumatic brain injury attorney at Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP today. An open head brain injury, or penetrating head injury, is an occurrence where a foreign object breaks through the skull and punctures the brain. This serious type of head injury exposes the brain to unsanitary conditions, such as bacteria and infections. In cases of open head brain injury the functions that are controlled by the section of the brain that is pierced are typically impaired. An open head injury may be caused by gun violence, a violent physical attack, auto accidents, objects piercing the head, or other serious accidents. Open head injuries need to be treated immediately by a physician so that the patient's condition can be assessed, and to prevent further injury or illness that may result from the brain injury. Surgery and other medical procedures are typically necessary to repair the brain and skull and reduce the amount of fluid that may have seeped out of the brain and surrounding area. If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury as the result of another party's negligence contact a Ohio traumatic brain injury attorney today at Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP.


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